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Chih-Chien Wang

The Nest

As part of Montreal's Mois de la photo, Chih-Chien Wang proposes an installation at the no name park housing DARE-DARE.

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As part of Montreal's Mois de la photo, Chih-Chien Wang proposes an installation at the no name park housing DARE-DARE. The Nest is an empty space for sound and light: an enclosure inside which the sounds coming from the Rosemont viaduct pass to the domain of the visually perceptible. The space consists of various types of surfaces that make it difficult to classify: it is either inside or outside, it is both a container and an object in itself. In this closed room, strong vibrations and bright light dominate the void.

The Nest seeks to generate two types of space: a metaphorical heart for the bridge above and a physical space conducive to solitude. It is a channel where people and the city come in contact through an organic experience; a space where people and the city meet.

The process of creating this space is similar to my method of working in photography. I retrieve found objects, then transform them into something else so that the original meaning of the object is lost. Although the object thus created is abstract, it retains certain aspects of its initial appearance.

In the same way, the light and the amplified vibrations coming from the viaduct are transformed. The installation embodies the breath of the bridge and, in doing so, confuses perceptions.

At the no name park
Opening Thursday, September 13 from 18h to 23h

The artist thanks : Marie Fraser (Mois de la photo), Alexander Belia, Marjolaine Samson, Frédéric Chabot, Rodolphe-Yves Lapointe, Thierry Fontaine, Daniel Chahfé, Nadège Grebmeier Forget, Tyler Megarry, Marlène Ferrari and Mathieu Lacroix

The artist wishes to thank the Canada Council for the Arts for its support.

Originally from Taiwan, Chih-Chien Wang lives in Montreal and works mainly with photography and video. His practice reflects concerns about the personal environment and day-to-day experiences, the urban environment and cultural differences - and is essentially reminiscent of performance. His work has been presented in several countries. He recently completed a residency at El Basilisco in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The artist wishes to thank the Canada Council for its support.