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Jean-François Prost

Chambre avec vues

In this outdoor intervention, the room evoked by the title is a shed in a Montreal alley to which the artist had grafted video monitors.

On a vacant lot, corner of Jeanne-Mance and Sherbrooke (Montreal)
In this outdoor intervention, the room evoked by the title is a shed in a Montreal alley to which the artist had grafted video monitors. Two of them revealed images of the interior to passers-by. Upon entering, the visitor would discover other monitors, a bed and a few chairs. Three videotapes showed them images of a picturesque stretch of countryside, while a view camera offered a view of the street. The artist, who lived there for the nine days of the exhibition, was there to welcome them. It was in this hushed atmosphere that he talked for long hours with passers-by. Strangers who used to take this shortcut every day interrupted their usual route and were even led to meet each other. Jean-François Prost has a background in architecture and made this intervention in order to reveal the potential of the vacant lot as an exploratory place.

In the development of this project, DARE-DARE received technical support from the Service de la culture de la ville de Montréal.