Invite people to the launch of the publication « les instructions inhospitalières » following the non-propitiousness of a project due to the disharmony of two networks.

Invite people to the launch of the "inhospitable instructions" publication following the non-propensity of a project due to the disharmony of two networks.
Notes for the report to the Dare-Dare audience at the launch:
Maintain the connection with the audience in the mode of reading rather than orality.
Mention first that the initial project Public Readings of Inhospitable Instructions was selected by Dare-Dare in 2013.
Mention that the project was presented to Dare-Dare with the following terminology: "series of infiltrating and performative actions performed in situ and in socius."
Use the expression "addressing a network".
Inform that the project retained by Dare-Dare was initially public readings of the text "the inhospitable instructions" written by myself that I wished to read aloud, to people, in a hospital context. The target audience was a community present in specific locations such as the waiting room, elevator, patient room, lobby, doctor's office, hallway and cafeteria.
Specify that the content of the text uses the reality of the hierarchical hospital context to reveal new relationships with multiple possible and impossible permissions.
Present the idea of the initial project as the observation of the action of a text on the imaginary and on the real.
Attempt to insert the terms "textual anchoring in a chosen place in order to create a conflictual or harmonious shift".
Attempt to insert the terms "apprehension of reality and expanded anticipation generated by the text."
Ask if there are any questions.
Maintain the connection with the audience in the mode of reading rather than orality.
Simplify the presentation by talking about the effect of language. Or make the presentation more complex.
Clarify that Dare-Dare did not choose the text for its own qualities, but for the action of reading it publicly.
Ask if everyone is familiar with the Dare-Dare mandate.
Mention that the public readings have never been held.
Play a short film showing the places where the text has never been read.
Specify that the project had previously been accepted by Arts et culture du CHUM, with whom Dare-Dare would have been a partner in the presentation of the project, and that following the CHUM's decision to abandon its own program for the insertion of the arts in the hospital, Arts et culture du CHUM, the possibility of its realization was abandoned.
Mention that the project of public readings was presented to Arts et culture du CHUM by adopting the terminology "artistic gesture, almost theatrical, almost musical, performed before an audience for its disorientation".
Use the expression "addressing a network".
Read the letter written in February 2014 by the head of Arts and Culture at CHUM announcing the abandonment of the project.
Mention the question of the context in which a project can be carried out.
Talk about the reversal of the situation imposed following the abandonment of the project by the CHUM and the search for another hospital location to hold the public readings.
Mention that the public readings project was then presented to the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital's volunteer service, using the following terminology: "project offered voluntarily to patients and employees.
Use the phrase "reaching out to a network".
Read the letter announcing the refusal of the project written in April 2014 by the head of volunteers at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital which was written on behalf of the assistant director, the head of psychologists and the volunteer committee who had the responsibility for the decision to refuse.
Mention the issue of the context in which a project can be carried out.
Show my satisfaction that the "inhospitable instructions" were read by the management of two hospitals and by medical professionals.
Show my disappointment that the text was not presented to patients.
Ask if reading from the text is necessary at this point in the presentation.
Explain why the reading of the text "inhospitable instructions" in the Dare-Dare trailer will not take place in this network either. In conclusion, return to the more favourable and less favourable places for carrying out a project.
Ask if there are any general or specific questions about the suitability of a project.
Connect with the public in a public reading mode rather than an oral one.
Specify that the publication "the inhospitable instructions" is the last instruction imposed following the observation of the disharmony of two networks.
Announce that the publication "the inhospitable instructions" will be distributed in hospitals.
Indicate that the publication "The Inhospitable Instructions" is available for purchase at Dare-Dare.
Public reading
August 13, 2014 @ 7:30 pm
at DARE-DARE trailer
Maude S. Pilon is interested, among other things, in the interstices between language and reality. Her texts and interventions are tinged with an awareness of the network in which they are presented. Performances, publications and writings have been addressed to various audiences. She lives and works "in the countryside".