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fundraising activity

PASSEPORT DARE-DARE is a fundraising activity that encourages collaboration between commercial and artistic communities within the visual art community.

5@9 Stamping Session

On Wednesday May 14th a stamping session will take place at DARE-DARE to officially close the 2013 PASSPORT event.

Fundraising event (Street Art)

Second launch evening of the PASSPORT DARE-DARE project, including street art and good music all evening!

Fundraising event

Launch party of the PASSPORT DARE-DARE project and good music all evening!

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The Montreal-based artist run centre DARE-DARE, dedicated to the dissemination of contemporary, multidisciplinary artwork, is pleased to invite you to its annual fundraiser, PASSEPORT DARE-DARE.

PASSEPORT DARE-DARE is a fundraising activity that encourages collaboration between commercial and artistic communities within the visual art community. Blank booklets, “Passports”, special designed and hand printed for the occasion are sold at a pre-sale price of 20$, and 25$ the day of the event. Participants are then invited to wander around DARE-DARE's head office, through various commercial and artistic spaces, where they collect “stamps” from the artists.

PRE-SALE PASSPORTS: 20$ (purchased before May 24th)
REGULAR PRICE PASSPORTS: 25$ (purchased on May 25th)
PASSPORTS SOLD AFTER THE EVENT (including all artworks): 50$ (sold after May 25th)

For the 2013 edition, the event is divided into three separate blocks: two fundraising evenings prior to the main event, the PASSPORT itinerary on May 25th, and the monthly 5à9 evenings during the regular programming openings and finishings.

The fundraising evenings are meant to give opportunities to emerging artists studying in university (UQAM, Concordia), and self-taught street artists. In order to start this year's collection, three emerging artists, and two established artists have been selected to stamp their work during the fundraisers, a prelude of the work to come.

Fundraising evenings:

March 22nd 8 PM - ESPACE Cercle Carré - 36, Queen Street – Square-Victoria metro station– FREE ENTRANCE
Invited artist: Sylvie Cotton
Emerging artists: Emilie Marchand (UQAM) and Marilyn Champagne (Concordia)
With DJs France Castel and Dyke Rivers and VJ Chocobeet

April 26th 8 PM- ARPRIM - 372, Sainte-Catherine W. Street, # 426 – Metro Place-des-Arts – FREE ENTRANCE
Invited Artist: Jason Botkin
Emerging artist: Emmanuel Laflamme
With DJ Mann° and Mathieu Jacques projections


May 25, 2013

Headquarters: DARE-DARE, located near Saint-Laurent metro station.

During the PASSPORT event on May 25th 2013, the participants will wander through different venues throughout the Quartier des spectacles, in order to collect artist stamps.

The stops:
Bon Blé Riz Restaurant, 1437, St-Laurent Boulevard
La Vitrine, 2, Sainte-Catherine Street East
La Librairie FORMATS, 2, Sainte-Catherine Street East, third floor
ARTEXTE, 2, Sainte-Catherine Street East, third floor
VOX, 2, Sainte-Catherine Street East, fourth floor
Le Monument National, 1182, Saint-Laurent Boulevard
Place des Arts, 175, Sainte-Catherine Street West – inside

Participating artists :Magali Babin, Caroline Blais, Sandrine Briand, Jason Botkin, Danielle Bouchard, Marilyn Champagne, Étienne Chartrand, Hejer Chelbi, Francys Chenier, Sylvie Cotton, Julie Fournier Lévesque, Kandis FriesenEmmanuel Laflamme, Manuela Lalic, Emilie Marchand, Maude S. Pilon, Jacinthe Robillard, Martine Viale, Sarah Zakaib


** PASSPORT DARE-DARE CONTINUES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR with stamps from each artist within this year's regular programming – follow us via our newsletter!

In order to integrate this year's programming into the event, all the artists showcased within the regular programming have made works of art, to be stamped during their 5à9 openings or finishings. Exact dates have not yet been determined.

The completed 2013 PASSPORT will be made available for 50$ at the end of the programming year, in March 2014.

This project is made possible thanks to the generosity of our Main Partners:

  • Papeterie notabene
  • La Vitrine
  • Arprim
  • Cercle Carré

and our PASSEPORT Partners:

  • Esse
  • Atelier GRAFF

DARE-DARE would like to sincerely thank all the door prize contributors :

The PASSEPORT project is inspired by an event, originally conceived by the San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery