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Claire MoederPhoto : Katya Konioukhova

Claire Moeder

Claire Moeder creates from physical places and impregnated with the words of others. She links texts and photographs to create narratives and autofictions where the territory also becomes a character. As an avid walker, she creates while in movement by reacting to the space that surrounds her. DARE-DARE was the starting point of long wanderings to create stories inspired by real and imaginary works of the adjacent neighborhoods. For the past ten years, Claire Moeder has been closely involved with many artists as an art critic, curator, and cultural worker in the visual arts. Today, she pursues her creation in poetry and continues to work at the intersection of words and images by collaborating with artists. Established in Gaspésie since 2017, she has developed multiple artistic interventions in this territory: literary performances, experimental walks, reading and writing workshops, and micro-editions.

Projects of Claire Moeder


    Recueil ERRES no1

    The collection presents the fruits of the artistic experiments of the students of Enchanter l’écriture, ateliers d’écriture poétique writing workshop.

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  • Martine Lauzier

    Martine Lauzier
    Audio Strolling Interviews

    Lauzier uses the walk to create a context that encourages exchange and brings the interviewed artist to talk about his/her work differently. It is also an excuse to discuss the place where one is and to make bridges between the space and the artistic approach of the artist.

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    Interweaving imagination and collective memory, Claire Moeder composes the stories of 24 inventoried artworks, indices of a sliding heritage and an underground history, all revisited through creative writing.

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