For five years, twenty-nine artists have been inspired by the socio-environmental context to offer aphorisms, poems and sentences that take the short form of slogan, haiku or tweet.
Jeanne Painchaud
Projects of Jeanne Painchaud
Book launch
with Jeanne PainchaudRead moreInvest the public space of your words? This is the opportunity that Dare-Dare offers you, with an initiation to the "haïku" poem, the smallest poem in the world. Once written, the haïku will spread in the streets of the neighborhood by different processes (chalk, etc.).
Series of 4 workshops
Janie Julien-Fort, Steve Giasson, Jeanne Painchaud and Massecar • d'Orion duoRead moreSeries of 4 workshops with artists from our programming, in collaboration with the Sud-Ouest borough.
Montréal, marée basseRead moreI have always been fascinated by public art and street art, which are committed to reaching out to people and challenging the everyday life of ordinary people. Moreover, frustrated that the haiku is not so well known, I searched a long time for the way to diffuse it in other ways, and thus join a new audience of readers.