DARE-DARE invites you to celebrate the launch of its program Methods and Games in Space: Habitable Zones, on June 8, 2024.

Laetitia de Coninck
As a transdisciplinary artist, Laetitia de Coninck reflects on the living in a contextual and relational approach. Since 2020, she has been living and working on a market-garden farm in the Lanaudière region, and is particularly interested in the intimate relationships between the body, plants and soil as “grounds for life” in an artistic practice that includes performances, installations and hybrid environments. Her work is part of a culture of attention, an ethic of “concern for others” and ecological humanities. A member of La Traversée - a geopoetics workshop with which she has collaborated for several years through photography and writing, Laetitia is currently coordinator for the Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire pour le végétal et l'environnement (GRIVE/UQAM). With a master's degree in visual and media arts (UQAM), Laetitia is a recipient of the Reconnect avec le vegétal (ReVe) 2022 scholarship of excellence, and was also a finalist for the Grantham Foundation for Art and the Environment 2023 graduate scholarship in visual arts.
Projects of Laetitia de Coninck
Programming launch
Performance and party!Read moreLaetitia de Coninck
PercolationRead moreThe Percolation public writing project was created from an investigation of/with Parc Sainte-Cunégonde, where knowledge and experiential knowledge are distilled and incorporated to create short texts in a geopoetic approach, an approach to places that is both sensitive and poetic.
2023-2024 programmingRead moreThis program seeks to reflect, stimulate and activate, in all its diversity, the methodological inventiveness of in situ/in socius artistic practices and their transformative potential.
Fabuler l'école
Fabuler l'écoleExercise books, reflection tool, magic kit or all of the aboveRead moreThe Critical Space Committee of DARE-DARE welcomes and joins a group of participants in the solarium of the Cité-des-hospitalières.
Recueil ERRES no1Read moreThe collection presents the fruits of the artistic experiments of the students of Enchanter l’écriture, ateliers d’écriture poétique writing workshop.