To celebrate DARE-DARE's 37th anniversary with a bang, the PASSEPORT project is more ambitious and unifying than ever. This special edition features 37 artists who have made our center what it is.

Marie-Suzanne Désilets
A multidisciplinary artist, Marie-Suzanne Désilets lives and works in Montreal. Her projects take on a variety of forms depending on their intentions, and she takes particular care to establish a rich dialogue with the context of intervention, both physical and human. Her projects include Cartes de connaissances, a poetry collection, correspondence with postmasters and installations in various offices and in an architectural module at the Îles de la Madeleine airport (AdMare, 2021-22). The artist has a background in art history, design and visual arts.
She has been involved with DARE-DARE since the presentation of her master's project in 1999. She was a member of the Board of Directors for several years, serving as President from 2005 to 2007. Highly involved when the Centre moved from its gallery space to a trailer in Square Viger, she was project manager for the Périmètre event, which took place in autumn 2005, marking the beginning of dis/location, and brought together some thirty artists and cultural workers from all disciplines to reflect on art in the public space.
Projects of Marie-Suzanne Désilets
PASSEPORT+ Festive evening & AuctionRead moreCALLS FOR PROPOSALS 2017-2018
RENDEZ-VOUS SOCIETY IIRead moreFor its 2017-2018 programming, DARE-DARE proposes to work again with the idea of RENDEZ-VOUS SOCIETY. This is a call out to artists that aspire to inscribe art in daily life; that want to immerse themselves in social environments using all manners of strategies, and within the confines of a wide range of time frames.
RENDEZ-VOUS SOCIETY IRead moreDARE-DARE invites you to propose in socius interventions, in order to generate situations and aggregations that are anchored in a diversity of places and in extra-artistic spheres of activity.
MICROINTERVENTIONSRead moreFor its 2015-2016 programming, DARE-DARE proposes a framework around the notion of infiltration.
TO HIM WHO IS IN FEAR EVERYTHING RUSTLESRead moreTo artists from near and far, DARE-DARE is pleased to submit its call for projects for its 2014 programming. Stimulated by the frightening current events, DARE-DARE is looking for projects that are scary this year.
Book launch
DIS/LOCATION 2 - Projet d'articulation urbaine : parc sans nomRead moreIn order to leave a trace of its passage following each of its Dis/location, DARE-DARE is happy to launch its new publication which relates its docking at Parc sans nom. Under the theme of « De la faillibilité et de l’échec », the experiences at the park and the projects put forward by DARE-DARE are revisited, highlighting the "laboratory" approach of the artist center.
Marie-Suzanne Désilets
VIVA! Art ActionRead moreMarie-Suzanne Désilets réalise des projets qui s'inscrivent au fil du quotidien. Depuis quelques années, elle étudie plus particulièrement les notions de vérité, de fantasme et de fiction.
VIVA! Art Action
3rd editionRead moreVIVA! Art Action is a shared initiative between the artist-run centers articule, Clark, DARE-DARE, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Praxis art actuel and Skol, which gave rise to the first international live art event in Montreal in the fall of 2006.
Book launch
Dis/location 1 - Projet d’articulation urbaine : Square VigerRead moreThis book continues the reflection initiated by the members and collaborators of DARE-DARE with the first part of Dis/location: urban articulation project, which led the center to relocate its offices in 2004 in a temporary shelter at Square Viger until in 2006.
Sophie Fougy et Simon Girault-Têtevide
Kif-kif bourricotRead moreThe "Kif-kif bourricot" project takes the form of a polyform beast, in constant metamorphosis, vacant at its daily occupations to which the public is invited.
DARE-DARE dépôt 2005
Fundraising activityRead moreDARE-DARE, with its store, sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.
A public art eventRead moreSquare Viger, its history, its current issues, its physical and social components, is the theme of Périmètre, un événement d'art public.
Thomas Grondin
Le soldat inconnuRead moreYou are invited to a very special research in the heart of the Centre-Sud district. Le soldat inconnu is a project that has emerged from an important moment in my life and from a find in my family roots.
DARE-DARE dépôt 2004
Fundraising activityRead moreAfter the success of the 2003 edition of this found-raising event, DARE-DARE come back with its store and sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.
DARE-DARE Dépôt 2003
fundraising eventRead moreCahier Folie/Culture nº7
La collection Des idées reçuesRead moreFifteen members of DARE-DARE were invited to participate in Folie/Culture No. 7, a project created by curators Johanne Huot and Denis Simard.
Christine Brault, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Jean-François Prost, Marie-Andrée Rho, Philippe Tessier
Nulle part / AilleursRead moreResearch outside the walls and gallery exhibition of five members of DARE-DARE and photographic presentation of four projects outside the walls, by Guy L'Heureux.
Marie-Suzanne Désilets
Rapport d’enquêteRead moreSince 1996, Marie-Suzanne Désilets has been conducting a series of sociological investigations on pleasure and trust.