The SATELLITE launch tour revisits the locations of its cross-border artistic explorations with several of the authors and artists of the anthology.

Martin Dufrasne
prog@dare-dare.orgAs early as 1994, Martin Dufrasne embarked on a multidimensional exploration of contemporary art. Creation, management, hosting artists-in-residence, event and theoretical forum organization, teaching, curating, publishing — these are just some of the facets he approaches with unwavering curiosity. His practice spans multiple disciplines, from sculpture and installation to photography, video, and performance art, all of which unfold across various contexts: galleries, natural settings, or public spaces. He honed his skills and evolved within collectives. First at the L’Oreille Coupée workshop, a matrix that would later give rise to the artist-run center LE LOBE, and later at the heart of the TouTTouT contemporary art production center, which he co-founded with 11 other artists.
It was as a spectator, in the mid-1990s, that Martin Dufrasne first encountered DARE-DARE, the artist-run center. In 2007, he was invited, alongside Carl Bouchard, with whom he developed an interdisciplinary duo practice, to present at the Pratiques du territoire II event. Two years later, following another invitation to perform at the VIVA! Art Action event, he chose to deepen his involvement with the organization by participating in its annual general meeting. In 2010, he stepped in to replace the programming coordinator during her maternity leave. Since then, he has remained a key member of the team, sometimes working alone, sometimes in tandem with various colleagues, coordinating the center’s activities.
Born in Montreal in 1967, Martin Dufrasne has exhibited his work in museums, galleries, artist-run centers, and performance venues, in both solo and group exhibitions, biennials, and performance festivals, in Quebec and abroad.
Projects of Martin Dufrasne
Launch tour
SATELLITESATELLITE, a decade of transcontinental explorationsRead moreWHAT ARE YOU GOING THROUGH ?
Programming 2022-2023Read moreThis year, we have decided to take a break from a theme to guide our 2022-2023 programming. We want to hear from you in these serious times. What are your concerns, what are your needs?
Programming 2021-2022Read moreProgramming 2021-2022 under the theme TRANSLATION.
Second runRead moreDUOLOGIE consists in forming original duos, to generate by this encounter and by the richness of the meeting the sensitivity and the singularity of the research approaches.
SATELLITERead moreA friendly meeting to trace the retrospective of a fantastic experience. with Patrick Beaulieu, Sylvie Cotton, Martin Dufrasne, Nicole McDonald-Fournier, Estela López Solís, Sonia Pelletier and Jean-François Prost.
First runRead more"DUOLOGIE" consists in forming original duos, to activate our programming by this twinning and by the richness of the encounter of artists' sensitivities and singularities.
Resisting Object - Dis/appearing SubjectRead moreThe zine collects, in the form of a publication, the documentation produced by the invited persons to a series of actions of the artist, so that the memory of the experience shared with the participants is the only trace of the realized performances.
Satellite - Mexico
SATELLITERead moreSATELLITE allows us to outreach new public beyond the territory of Montreal presenting critical and daring artistic practices.
ODYSSÉE 2004-2014Read moreThe publication "DARE-DARE ODYSSÉE (2004-2014)" is the witness of an eponymous day of festivities and presents the result of a research conducted by Manon Tourigny to trace the history and challenges experienced by the Center during the first decade of the project DIS/LOCATION : Urban articulation.
Flash presentationsRead moreLes PETITES VITES de DARE-DARE, initiated and organized by our Critical Space Committee, consist of a series of flash presentations within a strict protocol: the speakers have exactly 7 minutes and a visual support of 5 images to make their presentation.
Artistic Summer Day Camp with Martin DufrasneRead moreThis creative workshop consists of making models of emblematic historic buildings of the borough. They have been chosen by the children, following an investigation based on their knowledge of the neighborhood and the presentation of a slide show.
Scrolling historyRead moreThe art day camp project "DÉFILER L'HISTOIRE" wishes to celebrate the heritage and history of the St-Henri district, so that it can be made known to the children through three creative workshops led by professional artists Christine Comeau, Noémi McComber and Martin Dufrasne.
Read moreThis moment of collective reflection is the perfect opportunity to examine our mandate in order to clarify its specificity, its objectives and, where appropriate, to review / refine / formulate new and relevant lines of research.
RENDEZ-VOUS SOCIETY IIRead moreFor its 2017-2018 programming, DARE-DARE proposes to work again with the idea of RENDEZ-VOUS SOCIETY. This is a call out to artists that aspire to inscribe art in daily life; that want to immerse themselves in social environments using all manners of strategies, and within the confines of a wide range of time frames.
RENDEZ-VOUS SOCIETY IRead moreDARE-DARE invites you to propose in socius interventions, in order to generate situations and aggregations that are anchored in a diversity of places and in extra-artistic spheres of activity.
Book launch
3 DIS/LOCATIONsRead moreThis book looks at the last three locations where the DARE-DARE mobile shelter was moored, namely Cabot Square, Walter-Stewart Park and the Quartier des spectacles, and offers the reflections of five authors on various realities of artistic practices in public space.
ExhibitionRead moreDARE-DARE'S “LA DIS/LOCATION DE DARE-DARE” exhibition proposes a retrospective glance on the first decade of the urban articulation project, lead by the centre since 2004.
MICROINTERVENTIONSRead moreFor its 2015-2016 programming, DARE-DARE proposes a framework around the notion of infiltration.
TO HIM WHO IS IN FEAR EVERYTHING RUSTLESRead moreTo artists from near and far, DARE-DARE is pleased to submit its call for projects for its 2014 programming. Stimulated by the frightening current events, DARE-DARE is looking for projects that are scary this year.
THE ERA OF THE FIERCE BEASTS OF HOPERead more“Le temps des bêtes féroces de l'espoir “, an expression from renowned Québecois poet Gaston Miron, is the theme of the year.
Viva! Art Action
2nd editionRead moreDARE-DARE presents a series of long and short performances to take place the urban environment as a means to create a dialogue with the general public.
Pratiques du territoire II
Occupation - dislocation - mutationRead moreIn parallel with the Fresh Paint / Peinture fraîche event presented at Parc sans nom, DARE-DARE offers the public the second part of a series of lectures on the hybrid relationship between art and public space.
Peinture fraîche
Read moreLectures, speeches, launches, tours, screenings, parties!
Art dans la communauté / Communauté dans l'art
Forum, Launch and video projectionRead moreThis forum explores the idea of community in the context of recent developments in art practices.